Spirit Animal Series

The spirit animal series is a sculpture series where I merge human figures with distinctive animal traits. Each creature encapsulates a profound essence, conveying a unique message or mode of existence. Within this collection, my attention is drawn to animals that have resonated with either myself or those in my immediate surroundings during various seasons of life. The emphasis lies in deciphering the messages these animals bear.  The series prompts contemplation on how we can gain wisdom from the creatures that call to our spirits. What draws us to certain animals, forging an affinity that transcends the ordinary? The overarching question is how we can embody and integrate these characteristic qualities into the diverse seasons of our lives. In this series, I invite viewers to reflect on the symbiotic relationship between the human experience and the profound teachings encoded within the animal kingdom.

For sales inquiries and commission requests, please email info@vjrivera.com

WOLF (2023)


Clay sculpture painted in bronze

Height: 6.5in

Base: 6 in

HAWK (2023)


Clay sculpture painted in bronze

Height: 5in

Base: 3 in